From cloud playback to virtualizing all your broadcast operations and launching live, linear, and VOD channels, you can count on the WWTV Play experience.
Introducing the Advanced Streaming
TV World Class OTT
WWTV Play is a complete and scalable Private Label cloud video asset management service that includes ingest, transcoding, hosting, orchestration, library and a powerful HTML5 Player, for VOD, adaptive bitrate, complex analysis, AI, BI and global distribution to all networks, browsers and mobile devices. In addition to the web, with WWTV Play your content can be integrated into all the main video distribution platforms on the planet that reach more than 250 million monthly viewers.
Increase the reach, engagement and
monetization of your digital video

AmericasPay, in partnership with Stripe technology, operates more than 135 currencies and supported payment methods in more than 120 countries, 41 of which are locally acquired, optimizing acceptance rates so that you or your brand can offer your prices in the currency of your choice. Alipay and WeChat Pay, are also available.

Music/Video Marketing
Choose the business model that best suits your goals or a combination of subscriptions (SVOD), sale or rent (TVOD, EST), advertising (AVOD), sponsorship, pay-per-view, etc…

On All Screens
Its platform, by default, is already accessible on all devices (responsive), but we can deploy it in other applications: mobile (iOS and Android), OTT TV (Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, Android TV, Roku and Vewd) or connected TV – LG, Samsung, etc…
The Infrastructure
Cloud Storage
Your platform and content are securely stored in the cloud
Encoding and transcoding
Your videos are encoded in different formats to allow optimal playback regardless of connection
Global CDN
Thanks to the power of our content delivery network, your videos are streamed around the world at lightning speed
100% safe
The infrastructure is protected by data encryption and our SSL certificates
The fastest HTML5 video player on the web—so your content and ads render reliably and beautifully on every screen.
It works with any video ad server, network or exchange and includes built-in support for SpotX, Google DFP, Google IMA, AdX and FreeWheel.